Anndy Lian’s comments on fighting scams quoted on “Hackers Impersonate Crypto Exchange Gemini on YouTube”
Youtube related scam advertised videos continue to flourish on Youtube. Decrypt media publish an article yesterday on hackers impersonating Gemini Crypto Exchange on Youtube. Anndy Lian was also being quoted in the article.
Anndy’s commented in October openly on Twitter urging Youtube to get rid of misleading video that offers an extraordinary return in their investments.
“Come on @YouTube, please get rid of this fake LIVE videos, 105,000 watching, 2800 likes. I am sure @tylerwinklevoss @cameron @Gemini are not and will not run such schemes. #Crypto has a good future, let’s protect it.”
He has also cautioned all that we should be alert and not fall for the scams that are published.
“Always remember, if it is too good to be true, it is most likely not real. If you need to deposit into some strange address first and they promise 5 times more, it is most likely a scam. Do not fall for such traps.”
Such scam-like videos have been floating around for a while. Many of us have seen similar videos with Binance or Ethereum on them. These are all fake. And in July (reported by BBC), Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak sued YouTube for allegedly allowing scammers to use images and videos of him to defraud people.
“Crypto giveaway scams must be stopped. If Youtube cannot cope with this, we should try our best to inform and educate everyone about this. I do not want the general public to think that this is how the crypto space is like. Let’s fight the scams together.” Anndy Lian added.
For users who have encountered spam or scam videos or even comments on Youtube. Youtube staff review reported videos 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All is needed is to sign in to Youtube, there is a drop down menu below the player and click “Report”. For more information, you can follow the instruction on this link.
Hackers Impersonate Crypto Exchange Gemini on YouTube
FCA-regulated crypto exchange Gemini exposed two fake YouTube channels on Twitter yesterday.
In brief
- Crypto exchange Gemini has been impersonated by two YouTube accounts.
- This kind of thing has been an issue in recent months.
- Ripple CTO David Schwartz has also experienced problems with YouTube’s impersonation rules.
A hacker took over two YouTube accounts to appear as though they were associated with crypto exchange Gemini, according to a tweet from the company yesterday.
YouTube does not allow impersonations of people or channels on its platform, but impersonations remain an ongoing issue for the social media giant. On this occasion, the hackers rebranded the relevant YouTube accounts with Gemini’s brand name, as well as the crypto exchange’s logo. And Gemini wasn’t too happy.
“These scam accounts are not our company. We have reported these accounts to YouTube,” said Gemini’s official Twitter account yesterday.
What’s more, this is a problem that has appeared to persist for Gemini in recent months.
In October of this year, Twitter user Anndy Lian publicly asked YouTube to bring down fake videos that pretended to be associated with Gemini, as well as the crypto exchange’s co-founders and brothers, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss.
“Come on YouTube, please get rid of this (sic) fake LIVE videos, 105,000 watching, 2800 likes. I am sure Tyler Winklevoss, Cameron Winklevoss, Gemini are not and will not run such schemes,” Lian said.
In July, Gemini itself addressed yet another scam alert, admitting it had been “getting DMs about fake Gemini profiles on various social media platforms.”
Gemini is not alone in running into problems on Youtube. Ripple CTO David Schwartz was banned in April for impersonating…himself. Looks like YouTube just can’t quite hit its mark.
Original Source:
Author: Scott Chipolina
This article is also in Russian and Turkish and is searchable on Google News.